New Phenomine 3 is out! See what's new

The Full-Stack PHP Framework
for Everyone.

Phenomine is a full-stack framework that makes it easy to build dynamic web apps with minimal effort. It's designed to be simple and easy to use, while still providing the power and flexibility you need to build complex web applications.

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Code with joy, craft with purpose.

Phenomine helps you to build web applications with elegant syntax and powerful tools, meaning you can focus on what you love most: writing code and building great things.

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Built-in supports for HTMX & Tailwind CSS

Building a website with Phenomine is a breeze. It comes with built-in support for HTMX and Tailwind CSS, so you can build beautiful & interactive websites with minimal effort.

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Supports many databases with Mirage ORM

Phenomine supports many databases and has built-in Mirage ORM, so you can build powerful back-end applications with ease.

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Designed by developers like you, everything you need.

Phenomine offers elegant solutions for common features required in modern web applications right out of the box. It's time to focus on building amazing applications.


Phenomine comes with built-in authentication, so you can easily add user registration, login, and password reset functionality to your applications.

Mirage ORM

Mirage ORM is a powerful and flexible database abstraction layer that makes it easy to work with databases in your Phenomine applications.

Database Migrations

Database migrations allow you to easily update your database schema as your application evolves, without having to manually manage SQL scripts.


Phenomine comes with built-in validation, so you can easily validate user input and ensure that your application is secure and reliable.


Phenomine comes with built-in support for sending emails, so you can easily send transactional emails and notifications to your users.

File Storage

Phenomine comes with built-in support for file storage, so you can easily upload and manage files in your applications.

Modern web development is more complicated today. Phenomine makes it simple.

Phenomine is a game-changer. It's the perfect balance of simplicity and power, making it easy to build web applications that are both beautiful and functional.

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Muhammad Fahli Saputra
Creator of Phenomine
